Request a Quote for Your Company DSEAR Risk Assessment and Explosion Protection Document Now!

If your company operations incur an Explosion Risk it will have no legal defence in the event of an HSE notifiable explosion incident, without a DSEAR Risk Assessment and Explosion Protection Documentation.

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Client List and Projects

Steve Last MICE MCIWM CEnv (Principal, IPPTS Associates) is an expert in waste management risk assessment who has completed a number of DSEAR compliance assessments, spanning the period since the Dangerous Substances and Explosive Atmosphere Regulations came into force through the formulation of industry ICoPs as long ago as 2006.

These have included:

Pre-publication of Waste Industry Codes of Practice (Pre-ICoPs)

Greater Manchester WDA – Adswood Landfill, Barlow Hall Landfill (2 No. Methane Stripping Plants)

Lancashire CC County Analyst – Midgeland Landfill (MSP water treatment plant (LTP water treatment plant)

Craigavon Borough Council – Ballyfodrin Landfill (Leachate Treatment Plant) – Risk Assessment included possible landfill gas migration from unlined part of the landfill site into the Control Building etc.


East London Waste Authority (ELWA) – Aveley 1 Landfill: – DSEAR Assessment for a closed landfill site.

Lancashire CC County Analyst – Platt’s Lane Landfill: DSEAR Assessment for a closed landfill site.

Grovehurst Energy Ltd – Kemsley Landfill, Kent: DSEAR Assessment for a closed landfill site.

Energy Developments Limited – Waste to Energy systems (including Landfill Gas Engine systems): Three sites; DSEAR assessments for closed and operating landfill sites.

Halton Borough Council – DSEAR Assessment for a closed landfill site with monitoring wells and a flare.

Dún Laoghaire-Rathdown County Council – DSEAR Risk Assessment for a new Methane Stripping Plant (as Designer to M&E Subcontractor).

Leeds City Council – DSEAR Assessments for three closed landfill sites (monitoring wells, flares etc), including waste to energy systems.

Amgen Cymru – DSEAR Risk Assessment as part of Leachate Treatment Plant Project.

Biogenie/ Celtic Technologies – Soil Treatment Facility, Trecatti Landfill (with Sirius Environmental)

Project in Discussion – One of the big 5 UK and International Waste Management Companies: Training and Materials for subsequent site refresher courses including CD based multimedia presentations etc. to be used during “Site Toolbox Talks”

If you would like to discuss the technical details of performing the assessments and get a feel for the potential financial implications, we will be pleased to discuss your requirements.

Contact us here for more information.